Wednesday, December 31, 2008
p.s. I have patterns available for the felted mittens from Living Crafts ( as well as many other original designs. I am also available to do custom work for you- need an original one-of-a-kind article? I'm your girl! Just email me or post a comment for more information.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Amazing !

This is me- on the front page of the local paper- what fun! my LYS ( is hosting a party on Saturday. I hope to see everybody there.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Felted Mittens

These are some of my felted mittens. I make them in all sizes from small child to adult.
At my daughter's suggestion, I added the 'snow cuffs'. These are long, ribbed cuffs intended to be worn inside your coat sleeves while the gauntlet part of the mitten stays on the outside and Viola! no snow inside your sleeves! They are great mittens but what I'm really, really excited about is having my pattern PUBLISHED! The new issue of Living Crafts Magazine contains my mitten pattern. I'm so excited that if I think about it too much I get sort of sick. Last night when I was trying to sleep I found myself wondering, "do ya think the Yarn Harlot was this excited the first time she got published?"
Monday, November 3, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
you're it!
1 I'd rather knit or read than do anything else on earth
2 I love Rocky and can watch all the movies one after the other (while knitting)
3 I believe that baseball is the only perfect mix of team sport and individual talent
4 I wish I could hear my mom say she is proud of me
5 I hate the word panties
6 I think caffeine and nicotine should be major food groups
I'm tagging you- Bethie!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Monday, June 30, 2008
Sock Yarn

This is Jackson. Jackson wore his sock yarn sweater to visit family in Chicago. Jackson is teething.
I designed this neck-down sweater using a double strand of superwash sock wool. It features cables on the body and the sleeves and a cross-over ribbed collar that makes it easy to get on and off.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Got excited over some new yarn this week. Universal Yarn's "Tapestry" It's a self-patterning blend with great yardage on the ball.
Here are pictures of my design for a child's hat and mitten set called "Knot Just Another Hat (and Mittens)"
You get a set from one ball with enough left over to make another baby hat- how cool is that?
A Glad Rags pattern available at Back Alley Fibers.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Uncle Newt
I work hard at designing garments that reflect the life and times of our family.
This sweater is my own design and is called "Uncle Newt" in honor of my son-in-law's Uncle Newton Robinson, a Viet Nam vet and an Agent Orange victim. The yarn is created by me using Cascade 220- available here
Friday, May 9, 2008
Why I do what I do
These are my grandsons. They are wearing sweaters I designed and knit for them in Jawohl Sock Yarn available from Berroco.
Here is a sweater I designed and knitted for my daughter.
Noro Iro is the yarn- available from
I do a lot of different things. However knitting and sewing for my family is my passion. It gives me very great pleasure to visit their homes and see their children wearing things I made for them, walking on rugs I made for them, eating dinner on linens I made for them. On some esoteric level it helps me feel a part of their lives.