Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Felted Mittens

These are some of my felted mittens. I make them in all sizes from small child to adult.

At my daughter's suggestion, I added the 'snow cuffs'. These are long, ribbed cuffs intended to be worn inside your coat sleeves while the gauntlet part of the mitten stays on the outside and Viola! no snow inside your sleeves! They are great mittens but what I'm really, really excited about is having my pattern PUBLISHED! The new issue of Living Crafts Magazine http://www.livingcrafts.com/ contains my mitten pattern. I'm so excited that if I think about it too much I get sort of sick. Last night when I was trying to sleep I found myself wondering, "do ya think the Yarn Harlot was this excited the first time she got published?"


Potato said...

Hi! I just got my copy of the "living Crafts" magazine and I am just starting a pair of your terrific mitts for my sister's christmas present. I'm really excited about them, the pictures in the magazine look great. Congrats!

MoBea said...

Thanks for the kind words. Send me a pic when you have one.

Jbyrd said...

I just finished a child small pair of mittens. I just love them. I have two more pair to do before Christmas.

Congrats on getting published! I am sure everyone is very nervous the first time they are published.

Amy said...

Hi Molli,

I found your mittens via Mothering - I'm just a beginner knitter, but I'm hoping to make some felted mittens for my son. I would very much appreciate receiving a copy of your pattern! If you're still offering it, please e-mail the file to mathair419 (at) yahoo (dot) com. Thank you!